To honor Julia’s love for service in many forms, students from King Springs Elementary School and Griffin Middle School will be eligible for Persistency Awards, Character Awards, and Music Awards. These awards are by nomination only. Recipients will be determined each spring by the Board of Directors in conjunction with feedback from teachers.

Ripple Africa
Julie Murphy, who taught Julia for several years in the Gifted Target class at King Springs Elementary, spoke about her at the dedication of the memorial garden created in honor of Julia at Griffin Middle School, saying:
"She was mature and beautiful- a sweet, caring, empathetic young intelligent lady who was wise beyond her years. She had such a short time to make a difference, but she definitely used it. One particular lesson stands out as a perfect representation of Julia's life. In that lesson, Beyonce's song "I Was Here" speaks about the importance of using whatever time we have here to make a positive mark on the world, and Julia did those things. When she saw a need, she volunteered to help. When she saw injustice, she spoke up. Her life, though very short, was meaningful. We are all better for having known her.
Julia initiated our participation in the Ripple Africa project, a fundraising venture which we still, four years later, do in 5th grade Target. Over the years, as a result of Julia's drive to help others in this project, KSE raised around $10,000, by doing individual fundraisers to collect money for RA to support projects in Malawi, one of the poorest countries on Earth. Her legacy lives on as other children learn about ways to help people in need.”

Starfish Thrower Award
During the 8th grade awards ceremony, the sponsor of the Inclusivity Club, Kate Fites, awarded Julia with the first ever Starfish Thrower Award for her inclusive attitude and the difference that she made in her school.